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  • info@coleclinic.org
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The Cole Clinic

Our Seasonal Message To You You Are Not Just Our Customers, We Are One Big Happy Family We Wish You All The Best Thank You For Standing By Us All These Years. We Wish You Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year We At The Diagnostics Center Wish You All Illness-free Festive Season This Year And A Prosperous New Year…

Emergency Service

We are most concerned about patient safety. Should an emergency develop, the Cole Medical Center offers the resources and professionals you need. In these situations, senior doctors who specialize in obstetrics, gynecology, or pediatrics, anesthetists, resident medical officers (RMOs), and skilled nursing personnel will provide you or your kid with the care they need in the institution. A dedicated emergency…

Optical Service

Ending avoidable blindness and vision impairment would help vulnerable people achieve their full potential by enhancing their socioeconomic and cultural standing. Cole Medical Center Optical Services works to ensure that everyone who needs it has access to both effective cataract therapy and refractive error prevention and treatment. Significant progress has been made recently, but at the same time, a rise…


Our Speciality Clinic International Medical College Hospital a bed multispecialty tertiary care referral hospital with Outpatient and Inpatient services. It has world-class treatment 0 + Support Given 0 + Clients Rating 0 M + Money Saved 0 + Happy Clients

Friends And Family Time

Visiting Hours Cole Medical Center welcomes patient visits by family and friends. To promote the comfort of all our patients, visitors are asked to keep their visits brief. Please observe the following visiting hours when planning a patient visit: Mornings 6:30am -7:00 am Evenings 6:00pm -7:00 pm Please note there is NO morning visiting in Maternity, however afternoon and evening…

Patients Rights And Responsibilities

Thank you for choosing Cole Medical Center for your health needs. Please contact us if the information you require is not listed on this page: Email: info@coleclinic.org We would like our patients to be fully informed about all aspects of their treatment. We are also obliged to provide clear and concise written information to patients about their treatment to aid the…